Clops Game Studio is a game indie game dev studio founded in 2013 by a group of university students from the small city of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. The young dreamers had a burning passion in common: to actively participate in the world of video games and creating their own.

The studio developed small projects that yielded valuable learning and resulted in the decision to go pro. In 2015, the founding members who decided to continue their journey as developers, Heitor Dias and Rob Araújo sought international education and training to deepen their experience.

In 2019, Clops Game Studio was one of the winners of a state financing program for innovation and technology initiatives, which allowed us to dedicate our efforts to produce our first fully authorial game: UniDuni.

Heitor Dias - Clops Co-founder, Lead Artist and UniDuni's Creative Director. Specialist in 2D Game Art, is the studio's head of management. Likes strong coffee and colorful games.

Rob Araujo - Clops Co-founder, Game Designer, Marketing Director. Specialist in 3D Character Art. Loves art, junk food and chiptune music.

Rafael Solano - Generalist Artist Intern. Specialist in Pixel Art and Animation. Energetic and has a lot of awesome ideas. Likes lo-fi/hip-hop compilations and Jojo.